首頁 > 遊戲競技 > my name is red-我的名字叫紅 > 第12部分

第12部分(第1/9 頁)

最新遊戲競技小說: 開局一顆定海珠,給我砸!全民領主:開局一座移動城鬥羅殺星,從武魂殿砍到神界中樞遊戲神豪,我氪金多億點怎麼了?NBA之格鬥天賦加滿超巨都慌了開局SSS級天賦,裝備全是史詩詭異降臨到我身邊進入FPS遊戲並且火力無限遊戲:靠吸收物品來升級的商人全民求生:我的蛇姐超級強我被困在仙俠遊戲中規則怪談:我天生反骨苟到最後開局扮演卡莎,老婆竟是我自己?網遊:我的血量有億點點多足球:開局馬競,成為門神爆幣幣幣幣幣幣幣幣幣幣幣幣幣幣施法永久加法強,我聖光百億增幅執子洪荒惹他?他隱藏職業,一人屠一城!團寵之路,從貓開始

man and no coiling Chinese clouds。 Just the ground; the sky; myself and the

horizon。 But my story is much more plicated。

2。 As a tree; I need not be part of a book。 As the picture of a tree; however;

I’m disturbed that I’m not a page within some manuscript。 Since I’m not

representing something in a book; what es to mind is that my picture will

be nailed to a wall and the likes of pagans and infidels will prostrate

themselves before me in worship。 May the followers of Erzurumi Hoja not

hear that I secretly take pride in this thought—but then I’m overe with

the utmost fear and embarrassment。

3。 The essential reason for my loneliness is that I don’t even know where I

belong。 I was supposed to be part of a story; but I fell from there like a leaf in

autumn。 Let me tell you about it:

Falling from My Story Like a Leaf Falls in Fall

Forty years ago; the Persian Shah Tahmasp; who was the archenemy of the

Ottomans as well as the world’s greatest patron…king of the art of painting;

began to grow senile and lost his enthusiasm for wine; music; poetry and

painting; furthermore; he quit drinking coffee; and naturally; his brain

stopped working。 Full of the suspicions of a long…faced; dark…spirited old

geezer; he transferred his capital from Tabriz; which was t
