首頁 > 遊戲競技 > 快樂王子童話集(英文版) > 第1部分

第1部分(第1/8 頁)

最新遊戲競技小說: 開局一顆定海珠,給我砸!全民領主:開局一座移動城鬥羅殺星,從武魂殿砍到神界中樞遊戲神豪,我氪金多億點怎麼了?NBA之格鬥天賦加滿超巨都慌了開局SSS級天賦,裝備全是史詩詭異降臨到我身邊進入FPS遊戲並且火力無限遊戲:靠吸收物品來升級的商人全民求生:我的蛇姐超級強我被困在仙俠遊戲中規則怪談:我天生反骨苟到最後開局扮演卡莎,老婆竟是我自己?網遊:我的血量有億點點多足球:開局馬競,成為門神爆幣幣幣幣幣幣幣幣幣幣幣幣幣幣施法永久加法強,我聖光百億增幅執子洪荒惹他?他隱藏職業,一人屠一城!團寵之路,從貓開始

… 手機訪問 m。


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╬╬╬╬╬╬╬╬╬╬╬╬╬╬╬版 權 歸 原 作 者


The Happy Prince and Other Tales


High above the city; on a tall column; stood the statue of the Happy

Prince。 He was gilded all over with thin leaves of fine gold; for eyes he

had two bright sapphires; and a large red ruby glowed on his sword…hilt。

He was very much admired indeed。 〃He is as beautiful as a

weathercock;〃 remarked one of the Town Councillors who wished to gain

a reputation for having artistic tastes; 〃only not quite so useful;〃 he added;

fearing lest people should think him unpractical; which he really was not。

〃Why can't you be like the Happy Prince?〃 asked a sensible mother of

her little boy who was crying for the moon。 〃The Happy Prince never

dreams of crying for anything。〃

〃I am glad there is some one in the world who is quite happy;〃

muttered a disappointed man as he gazed at the wonderful statue。

〃He looks just like an angel;〃 said the Charity Children as they came

out of the cathedral in their bright scarlet cloaks and their clean white


〃How do you know?〃 said the Mathematical Master; 〃you have never

seen one。〃

〃Ah! but we have; in our dreams;〃 answered the children; and the

Mathematical Master frowned and looked very sev
