首頁 > 遊戲競技 > 高山上的呼喊-go tell it on the mountain > 第7部分

第7部分(第1/8 頁)

最新遊戲競技小說: 你一個法師,物攻爆炸什麼鬼網遊:開服三天後無敵!王者:人在花果山,最強打野海島求生:真千金她為何總是霸榜一體雙魂,我帶萌妹成神我每十級掌握一個SSS技能網遊:成為山賊王的男人竹筏求生,升級就變強黑海世界:我的求生有商店網遊:開局選擇獨角獸網遊之從梁山開始征戰世界頂級奸商:無敵從販賣軍火開始網遊之血影舞者網遊:藍星online開局馬內薩拉赫兩翼齊飛史前求生:從馴服三角龍開始史上最強青訓選手夢幻西遊:我的大主播系統全民轉職:這個狂戰喜歡找茬!網遊:神級騎士,我的血量無上限

e was saying it to him especially; she was trying to help himbecause she knew he was in trouble。 And this trouble was also her own; which she would never tellto John。 And even though he was certain that they could not be speaking of the same things—forthen; surely; she would be angry and no longer proud of him—this perception on her part and hisavowal of her love for him lent to John’s bewilderment a reality that terrified and a dignity thatconsoled him。 Dimly; he felt that he ought to console her; and he listened; astounded; at the wordsthat now fell from his lips:

‘Yes; Mama。 I’m going to try to love the Lord。’

At this there sprang into his mother’s face something startling; beautiful; unspeakably sad—as though she were looking far beyond him at a long; dark road; and seeing on that road atraveler in perpetual danger。 Was it he; the traveler? or herself? or was she thinking of the cross ofJesus? She turned back to the wash…tub; still with this strange sadness on her face。

‘You better go on now;’ she said; before your daddy gets home。’

In Central Park the snow had not yet melted on his favorite hill。 This hill was in the center of thepark; after he had left the circ le of the reservoir; where he always found; outside the high wall ofcrossed wire; ladies; white; in fur coats; walking their great dogs; or old; white gentlemen withcanes。 At a point that he knew by instinct and by the shape of the buildings surrounding the park;he struck out on a 
