首頁 > 遊戲競技 > 君主論-the prince(英文版) > 第6部分

第6部分(第1/8 頁)

最新遊戲競技小說: 木筏求生,重生把前男友喂鯊魚遊戲巔峰:神域之戰超神學院之黑色長城管道求生:別人收資源,我收老師生存遊戲,別人啃草她吃肉網遊:我能給召喚物融合材料鄰家精靈少女不可能是邪神NBA:最強鋒線,重塑綠軍榮耀啊大海瘋了吧!你管這叫SSS級天賦我在NBA偷戒指網遊:我轉職的職業竟然是個小偷遊戲入侵:我吞噬億點屬性怎麼了一入網遊不復還喚醒師工會每級1個金詞條,雷電術橫掃全球公路求生:開局一輛快遞車遊戲現實化,我的女號有點多百歲老人的末日求生要成為冠軍的我們

anarchy。A principality is created either by the people or by the nobles;accordingly as one or other of them has the opportunity; for the nobles;seeing they cannot withstand the people; begin to cry up the reputationof one of themselves; and they make him a prince; so that under hisshadow they can give vent to their ambitions。 The people; finding theycannot resist the nobles; also cry up the reputation of one ofthemselves; and make him a prince so as to be defended by his authority。He who obtains sovereignty by the assistance of the nobles maintainshimself with more difficulty than he who es to it by the aid of thepeople; because the former finds himself with many around him whoconsider themselves his equals; and because of this he can neither rulenor manage them to his liking。 But he who reaches sovereignty by popularfavour finds himself alone; and has none around him; or few; who are notprepared to obey him。Besides this; one cannot by fair dealing; and without injury to others;satisfy the nobles; but you can satisfy the people; for their object ismore righteous than that of the nobles; the latter wishing to oppress;whilst the former only desire not to be oppressed。 It is to be addedalso that a prince can never secure himself against a hostile people;because of their being too many; whilst from the nobles he can securehimself; as they are few in number。 The worst that a prince may expectfrom a hostile people is to be abandoned by them; but from hostilenobles he has not on

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