首頁 > 遊戲競技 > The Rainbow-虹(英文版) > 第61部分

第61部分(第1/9 頁)

最新遊戲競技小說: 幻光四戰爭騎士,我能融合萬物我踢的養生足球我,神級輔助,帶領Uzi奪冠海島求生:我的幸運值爆表了籃壇傳奇巨星:巔峰之路足球:重生當教練,冠軍拿到手軟打造領地太累?我有多重影分身!網遊:我獲得了即時殺戮的能力這就是通天代的含金量嗎?網遊之無雙崩壞:遊歷四方全民求生:從鬼屋開始建立黑暗帝變身女天師,生死看淡,不服就幹開局魔王配置,你卻讓我當救世主末世女神穿到求生遊戲變錦鯉網遊:我的揹包能進化聯盟之表白女神就變強海賊之最強皇副Mr3全民求生,左眼探測右眼殺戮

struck back into its old; accustomed; mild reality。 Gradually

she realized that the night was mon and ordinary; that the

great; blistering; transcendent night did not really exist。 She

was overe with slow horror。 Where was she? What was this

nothingness she felt? The nothingness was Skrebensky。 Was he

really there?……who was he? He was silent; he was not there。

What had happened? Had she been mad: what horrible thing had

possessed her? She was filled with overpowering fear of herself;

overpowering desire that it should not be; that other burning;

corrosive self。 She was seized with a frenzied desire that what

had been should never be remembered; never be thought of; never

be for one moment allowed possible。 She denied it with all her

might。 With all her might she turned away from it。 She was good;

she was loving。 Her heart was warm; her blood was dark and warm

and soft。 She laid her hand caressively on Anton's shoulder。

〃Isn't it lovely?〃 she said; softly; coaxingly; caressingly。

And she began to caress him to life again。 For he was dead。 And

she intended that he should never know; never bee aware of

what had been。 She would bring him back from the dead without

leaving him one trace of fact to remember his annihilation


She exerted all her ordinary; warm self; she touched him; she

did him homage of loving awareness。 An

我造了個主神空間小寡婦與殺豬刀時光的痕跡種田小娘子 作者:化雪掌御香東方之幻想鄉