首頁 > 遊戲競技 > gossip girl 9 英文 > 第4部分

第4部分(第1/8 頁)

最新遊戲競技小說: 怪獵:獵人的筆記同步遊戲屬性,我成為了全球最強全民海島求生:我提前進入一年全民載具求生,我有無限賦予能力全球穿越,我在塔防遊戲裡成神地球資料化後,我在遊戲裡生活求生遊戲:末世大佬玩嗨了幻光四戰爭騎士,我能融合萬物我踢的養生足球我,神級輔助,帶領Uzi奪冠海島求生:我的幸運值爆表了籃壇傳奇巨星:巔峰之路足球:重生當教練,冠軍拿到手軟打造領地太累?我有多重影分身!網遊:我獲得了即時殺戮的能力這就是通天代的含金量嗎?網遊之無雙崩壞:遊歷四方全民求生:從鬼屋開始建立黑暗帝

MTVMusic Awards after…party at Lindsay?s loft。

But summer and the beach go hand in hand; and I could neverpletely forsake the shore; but

that heartthrob actor T has donejust that; abandoning his lavish spread on the North Shore (yes;the

one you saw on that episode ofCribs ) to spend a steaming…hot summer in sticky New York City。

Now that?s dedication。

across the pond

I know we started out as an English colony; but we won the war(no hard feelings!) and therefore

we do things a bit differently

on this side of the pond。 I like the whole royalty thing? especially a certain heir to the throne and

his party…monster redheaded younger brother?but there?s a lot about the English that I just don?t

understand。 For example; I hear that a certain young; foxy; blue…eyed American girl we all know

and love has gotten herself mixed up with a titled gentleman who seems to have eyes for his; um;

cousin? Apparently; in some grand old English families it?s perfectly acceptable to ask your

cousin to move in for the summer; to hold her hand during intimate dinners at London?s finest

restaurants; to slip away together to the thatch…roofed country house for a weekend foxhunt。

How?s that for culture shock?

your e…mail


Dear GG;

My mom insisted that I take an internship at a glossy magazine this summer。 She says it?ll help

prepare me for the real world; but I
