首頁 > 遊戲競技 > gossip girl 9 英文 > 第14部分

第14部分(第1/8 頁)

最新遊戲競技小說: 網遊:我的寵物能進化成美少女帶著塔羅牌穿越到孤島求生聯盟:我,重新定義輔助!網遊:剛開局就超神了CSGO之走向巔峰斷絕關係後,法爺殺怪永久加屬性海洋求生,開局忽悠女明星做女友NBA:我打球真的只是興趣開局領先一個天賦怎麼輸我一個山賊,搶點美女玩家怎麼了我在地下城討生活呂頌梨秦晟小說最新章節免費閱讀穿成早死的炮灰原配我怒嫁反派呂頌梨秦晟呂頌梨秦晟穿成早死的炮灰原配我怒嫁反派最新章節線上閱讀呂頌梨秦晟免費閱讀無彈窗穿成早死的炮灰原配我怒嫁反派小說全文免費閱讀呂頌梨秦晟穿成早死的炮灰原配我怒嫁反派免費閱讀全文呂頌梨秦晟小說全文免費閱讀烽火盡染新書穿成早死的炮灰原配我怒嫁反派開局一個破屋:我有史上最坑系統

until she could make some dramatic statement?for example; that she?d flown back from the U。K。

at Bailey Winter?s special request。 She couldn?t have it leaking out that she was back because

Lord Marcus was more interested in making googly eyes at his horse…faced cousin than in

ravishing Blair in her huge hotel bed。

As if we don?t have ways of finding out the truth。

She dashed back to Aaron?s room and whisked the phone off the bureau。 The display read

MARCUS。 His Lordship himself。

She pressed the receive button。 ?What?? she demanded rudely。

?Blair; darling; what happened? I?ve been trying to reach you。?

?I don?t really see what we have to talk about;? Blair replied icily。 ?If you wanted to talk; you

had plenty of time when we were still on the samecontinent 。?

?You mean you?ve left?? Lord Marcus remarked; clearly surprised。 ?I thought maybe you?d just

moved hotels or gone off to Paris to see your father or something。 I was so worried。?

?I?m sure you were;? Blair snapped sarcastically; heading back toward Yale?s room。

?This isn?t about Camilla; is it; dearest? Because; you see; we?re second cousins; so of course??

?Of coursewhat ?? Blair demanded; watching her face flush in the full…length mirror。 ?To be

honest; I?d rather not know; honestly。 If you want to get allFlowers in the Attic ; it?s your business。

Anyway; I don?t have time for this?I?m a woman in de

啞王子寵妻一百招(小資女破冰記之二) 作者:喜格格他還是不懂第一拽妃開飯吧,首席大人!玄武鋒