首頁 > 遊戲競技 > gossip girl 9 英文 > 第33部分

第33部分(第1/8 頁)

最新遊戲競技小說: 怪獵:獵人的筆記同步遊戲屬性,我成為了全球最強全民海島求生:我提前進入一年全民載具求生,我有無限賦予能力全球穿越,我在塔防遊戲裡成神地球資料化後,我在遊戲裡生活求生遊戲:末世大佬玩嗨了幻光四戰爭騎士,我能融合萬物我踢的養生足球我,神級輔助,帶領Uzi奪冠海島求生:我的幸運值爆表了籃壇傳奇巨星:巔峰之路足球:重生當教練,冠軍拿到手軟打造領地太累?我有多重影分身!網遊:我獲得了即時殺戮的能力這就是通天代的含金量嗎?網遊之無雙崩壞:遊歷四方全民求生:從鬼屋開始建立黑暗帝

?All hail the conquering rock star。 I?m Vanessa。? She clomped over to the guy Ruby was

straddling。 He hadn?t looked at her once。

?This is Piotr;? Ruby explained; wiggling her purple…leather…clad ass as she said his name; as if

just saying it was a real turnon。 ?We met after our show in Prague。?

?Hallo;? Piotr replied in a stiff accent; exhaling a long plume of smoke as he spoke。


?The apartment looks cool。? Ruby sounded skeptical。 She glanced around the room。 ?But how

could you afford all this? The furniture; the drapes??

?It?s a long story;? Vanessa answered; leaning against the lavender…painted wall and trying to

look anywhere but at the fawn…colored suede couch where the filthy; scrawny Eastern European

stranger was stretched out underneath her sister。

?Like the story of where you got those shoes?? Ruby asked; throwing her purple hair back。 It was

the same color as Willy Wonka?s hat。 ?And that top? Jesus; look at you。 You?re a real fashion


?I had a meeting。? Vanessa felt hurt。 Why was Ruby being such a bitch? If only the slimebag

between her legs would get lost so they could order some sushi and have one of their sis…terly


?A word?? Ruby climbed down off of Piotr?s lap。 She nod…ded toward the kitchen。

Vanessa followed; wondering how long Ruby was going to be home。 They leaned against the

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