首頁 > 遊戲競技 > gossip girl 9 英文 > 第26部分

第26部分(第1/8 頁)

最新遊戲競技小說: 網遊:我的寵物能進化成美少女帶著塔羅牌穿越到孤島求生聯盟:我,重新定義輔助!網遊:剛開局就超神了CSGO之走向巔峰斷絕關係後,法爺殺怪永久加屬性海洋求生,開局忽悠女明星做女友NBA:我打球真的只是興趣開局領先一個天賦怎麼輸我一個山賊,搶點美女玩家怎麼了我在地下城討生活呂頌梨秦晟小說最新章節免費閱讀穿成早死的炮灰原配我怒嫁反派呂頌梨秦晟呂頌梨秦晟穿成早死的炮灰原配我怒嫁反派最新章節線上閱讀呂頌梨秦晟免費閱讀無彈窗穿成早死的炮灰原配我怒嫁反派小說全文免費閱讀呂頌梨秦晟穿成早死的炮灰原配我怒嫁反派免費閱讀全文呂頌梨秦晟小說全文免費閱讀烽火盡染新書穿成早死的炮灰原配我怒嫁反派開局一個破屋:我有史上最坑系統

They start early; those Upper East Side boys。

Bree knelt down and looked at the two little boys intensely。 ?You guys have really clear auras。?

Vanessa snickered。 Dan cocked his head and studied her。 She was basically the same: shaved

head; lots of attitude; but instead of her usual black jeans; she was wearing fancy…looking shiny

black trousers and instead of a black cotton tank she was wearing a semi…sheer black top that was

soft and delicate?it might even have been silk。 She looked almost feminine; and although it

sounded strange; sometimes Dan forgot she was just that: a girl。

?Want to go somewhere and talk?? he asked tentatively

Vanessa shrugged。 ?If you can tear yourself away。? Bree had the boys in her lap and was reading

their palms。

?We kind of have a lot to talk about; don?t we?? Dan allowed。 Bree began to chant in Sanskrit。

That?s the understatement of the year。

all the world?s a stage

Because the apartment didn?t have any real furniture to speak of; the drunken crowd had turned

the large main room into an impromptu dance floor。 Blair had downed three Bellinis; so she was

ready to answer the call of duty and dance her cute little ass off。 Besides; she?d memorized the

party scene inBreakfast at Tiffany?s and knew what was expected of her。 Sure; Serena was

Holly?there was no denying that at this point?but that didn?t mean that she couldn?t have a g

啞王子寵妻一百招(小資女破冰記之二) 作者:喜格格他還是不懂第一拽妃開飯吧,首席大人!玄武鋒