首頁 > 遊戲競技 > gossip girl 8 英文 > 第14部分

第14部分(第1/8 頁)

最新遊戲競技小說: 足球的眼淚滿朝名臣,你讓我怎麼做昏君?山的那邊,刻著巔峰IG之名!詭異:快跑,他踏馬開了!王者:英雄超標?我真拿他上分!修仙:從靈農開始肝經驗全民:死靈法師,站著就是輸出艾澤拉斯的奧術師LOL:超神之路nba:我狂暴後衛,暴打庫裡網遊:蟲神炮手,主宰星河王者:我就一替補,首發們都慌啥花滑奪冠之路從甲午開始殺敵爆裝超時空teacher之城市之光驚懼夢魘遊戲:巔峰屠皇神級遊戲,我獨獲超S級天賦!成為創世神,我打造系統一族全民轉職:這個亡靈法師吸瘋了位面:開局神級酒館,豢養巨龍

black cars being delivered to a certain Upper East Side garage。 Looks like a few of us are getting

what we asked for; except。 ? Dad; I asked for pink!

They know you cheated

For those of you who cheated on your final exams; we know who you are; and your teachers

know; too。 We saw how you finished early and spent the rest of the time writing notes and doing

actressy face exercises?S!! They?re only overlooking it because they want to get rid of you。 Why

they even bother giving seniors finals is beyond me。

A remedy for pregraduation jitters

Of course; there?s nothing to be nervous about。 All we have to do is look gorgeous and accept

our diplomas。 But we are nervous nonetheless。 Maybe because we have to go through it with our

parents watching。 Maybe because we have no idea what es next。 You know how the school

nurse always prescribes the same thing no matter what?s wrong with you? Chew a Pepto…Bismol。

Gargle with salt water。 Well; I?m the same way: champagne and a boy。 Take one dose and then

repeat every fifteen minutes until symptoms subside。

Happy Graduation! See you at the party afterwards!

You know you love me。

gossip girl

Pomp and circumstance

Outside Brick Church on Park Avenue and Ninety…second Street; a throng of black town cars

released women in Chanel couture and men and boys in Ralph Lauren Purple Label into the

church to watch 
