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第25部分(第1/8 頁)

最新遊戲競技小說: 溫蔓與霍紹霆陳平耿姍姍小說區塊遊戲全民領主:開局一個破草屋戰胤和海彤楚傾歌風漓夜都市之最強狂兵陳六何沈輕舞蘇意深粟寶小說免費閱讀C羅求我別歸化,呦西羨慕哭了超級棄婿楚塵冥府拉我去求生鬥羅之雙槍絕世末日遊戲:無限合成,我即是禁忌網遊:我的隊友全是NPC!網友兩年半,野王兄弟竟是軟妹子王者:我玩啥,你們都說超標?神級煉藥師還卷啥,國家帶起飛!冰與火之鐵王座給予弱女鋼鐵之心正經在人間打醬油

〃Yes;〃 he said。 〃They do。 They certainly do。〃

〃And it occurred to me that it would be easy enough to follow his backtrail and find out。 A man his size; and a Negro to boot; can't be that hard to trace。〃

〃You'd think so; but you'd be wrong;〃 he said。 〃In Coffey's case; anyhow。 I know。〃

〃You tried?〃

〃I did; and came up all but empty。 There were a couple of railroad fellows who thought they saw him in the Knoxville yards two days before the Detterick girls were killed。 No surprise there; he was just across the river from the Great Southern tracks when they collared him; and that's probably how he came down here from Tennessee。 I got a letter from a man who said he'd hired a big bald black man to shift crates for him in the early spring of this year … this as in Kentucky。 I sent him a picture of Coffey and he said that was the man。 But other than that …〃 Hammersmith shrugged and shook his head。

〃Doesn't that strike you as a little odd?〃

〃Strikes me as a lot odd; Mr。 Edgebe。 It's like he dropped out of the sky。 And he's no help; he can't remember last week once this week es。〃

〃No; he can't;〃 I said。 〃How do you explain it?〃

〃We're in a Depression;〃 he said; 〃that's how I explain it。 People all over the roads。 The Okies want to pick peaches in California; the poor whites from up in the brakes want to build cars in Detroit; the black folks from Mississippi want to go up to New England and work in the shoe factories or the t
