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第5部分(第1/7 頁)

最新遊戲競技小說: 上交求生遊戲後國家霸榜了世界OL2初之心盛霆燁葉凡唐若雪盧丹妮鄧佳哲周錚穿越成太子的小說隆霧迷眼南璃楚爍免費穿越小說沈驚覺和白小小司念周越深姜綰宋九淵的小說我都修仙了,還要讀書?神醫嫡妃世無雙盛眠傅燕城全文小說免費江稚沈律言的小說詭異入侵,我反殺不過分吧?傅啾啾穿越小說溫蔓與霍紹霆陳平耿姍姍小說區塊遊戲

an bathroom。 As I walked out; I looked at myself in the mirror and shook my head at the forgetful fool in front of me。


Now all I could hope for was that the person who cleaned the restroom had found my wallet。 So I politely approached an old lady reading her book at the front desk。 I asked her if a wallet had been found in the bathroom yesterday。 She didn’t answer me until she found a good place to pull herself away from her book。 Then she peered at3 me from behind the thick black glasses parked on her nose。 Letting out a quiet sigh; she slowly struggled out of her fortable sitting position。 She walked through a door and vanished4 for a moment。 Then she came back to the desk。


That was that。 I quickly thanked her and walked off。

I wondered what I would do if I had found a wallet containing sixty dollars; a phone card and many other irreplaceable5 personal items。 Finally; I painfully accepted the fact that my wallet was gone。

A week later; after I had canceled my bank card and reported my license missing; I received a mysterious package in the mail。 Sure enough; it was my wallet! And most amazingly; nothing was missing! But something was different about it。 There was a little yellow sheet of paper folded up in one of the wallet pockets that had not been there before。 I slowly unfolded the paper。 Into my hand fell a little copper medallion6 of Christ。 The letter read something like this:

Always keep this medall
