首頁 > 遊戲競技 > 不讓你的眼淚陪你過夜吉他譜 > 第6部分

第6部分(第1/5 頁)

最新遊戲競技小說: 鬥羅之雙槍絕世末日遊戲:無限合成,我即是禁忌網遊:我的隊友全是NPC!網友兩年半,野王兄弟竟是軟妹子王者:我玩啥,你們都說超標?神級煉藥師還卷啥,國家帶起飛!冰與火之鐵王座給予弱女鋼鐵之心正經在人間打醬油足球世界觀讓你練短跑,你破了世界紀錄?網遊:低調法神,我有加特林火球陸神的國服女友神詭異仙苟在新手村半年,出來震撼三國被神選中打天下狂屠鐵手:血肉神鍛開局七根羽毛,這也算天賦?模板奧尼爾,美女都是我的充電寶王者:是個英雄就超標,別太離譜

2。a。m。and the rain is falling

here we are at the crossroads once again

you’re telling me you’re so confused

you can't make up your mind

is this meant to be

you're asking me

but only love can say try again or walk away

but i believe for you and me

the sun will shine one day

so I’ll just play my part

and pray you’ll have a change of heart 。

but i can’t make you see it through

that’s something only love can do

in you arms as the dawn is breaking

face to face and a thousand miles apart

I’ve tried my best to make you see

there’s hope beyond the pain

if we give enough … if we learn to trust

but only love can say … try again or walk away

but i believe for you and me

the sun will shine one day

so I’ll just play my part

and pray you’ll have a change of heart

but i can’t make you see it through

that’s something only love can do

i know if I could find the words

to touch you deep inside

you’d give our dream just one more change

don’t let this be our last goodbye

茜湖的心好像在經歷三溫暖一樣,最後在閣樓,那個他們一起看星星的閣樓上找到了亞斯,那裡是他們最喜歡的地方,也是他們在心情不好的時候最常呆的地方,那裡有他們全部的回憶???????? ??? ???




