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第16部分(第1/8 頁)

最新遊戲競技小說: 初之心盛霆燁葉凡唐若雪盧丹妮鄧佳哲周錚穿越成太子的小說隆霧迷眼南璃楚爍免費穿越小說沈驚覺和白小小司念周越深姜綰宋九淵的小說我都修仙了,還要讀書?神醫嫡妃世無雙盛眠傅燕城全文小說免費江稚沈律言的小說詭異入侵,我反殺不過分吧?傅啾啾穿越小說溫蔓與霍紹霆陳平耿姍姍小說區塊遊戲全民領主:開局一個破草屋戰胤和海彤

。 In some ways; you know; I wish we'd done it。 It might have changed some of the things that happened later on。

〃Fucking faggot! I'll teach you to keep your hands off me; you lousy bum…puncher!〃

Whap! Whap! Whap! And now Delacroix was bleeding from one ear and screaming。 I gave up trying to shield him; grabbed him by one shoulder; and hurled him into his cell; where he went sprawling on the bunk。 Percy darted around me and gave him a final hard whap on the butt … one to go on; you could say。 Then Brutal grabbed him … Percy … I mean … by the shoulders and hauled him across the corridor。

I grabbed the cell door and ran it shut on its tracks。 Then I turned to Percy; my shock and bewilderment at war with pure fury。 Percy had been around about several months at that point; long enough for all of us to decide we didn't like him very much; but that was the first time I fully understood how out of control he was。

He stood watching me; not entirely without fear … he was a coward at heart; I never had any doubt of that … but still confident that his connections would protect him。 In that he was correct。 I suspect there are people who wouldn't understand why that was; even after all I've said; but they would be people who only know the phrase Great Depression from the history books。 If you were there; it was a lot more than a phrase in a book; and if you had a steady job; brother; you'd do almost anything to keep it。

The color was fading out of Per

卿本風流 林家成寂滅之後屌絲的yy人生腹黑首席,吃定你穿越之冷俏王妃後來,舊歡如夢