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第63部分(第1/8 頁)

最新遊戲競技小說: 溫蔓與霍紹霆陳平耿姍姍小說區塊遊戲全民領主:開局一個破草屋戰胤和海彤楚傾歌風漓夜都市之最強狂兵陳六何沈輕舞蘇意深粟寶小說免費閱讀C羅求我別歸化,呦西羨慕哭了超級棄婿楚塵冥府拉我去求生鬥羅之雙槍絕世末日遊戲:無限合成,我即是禁忌網遊:我的隊友全是NPC!網友兩年半,野王兄弟竟是軟妹子王者:我玩啥,你們都說超標?神級煉藥師還卷啥,國家帶起飛!冰與火之鐵王座給予弱女鋼鐵之心正經在人間打醬油

He turned and strode away; looking like a man who believes he's earned at least a draw。 I waited until he was gone; and then gently took Mr。 Jingles from Elaine。 My eyes happened on the bag with the peppermint candies in it; and that did it … the tears began to e。 I don't know; I just cry easier somehow these days。

〃Would you help me to bury an old friend?〃 I asked Elaine when Brad Dolan's heavy footsteps had faded away。

〃Yes; Paul。〃 She put her arm around my waist and laid her head against my shoulder。 With one old and twisted finger; she stroked Mr。 Jingles's moveless side。 〃I would be happy to do that。〃

And so we borrowed a trowel from the gardening shed and we buried Del's pet mouse as the afternoon shadows drew long through the trees; and then we walked back to get our supper and take up what remained of our lives。 And it was Del I found myself thinking of; Del kneeling on the green carpet of my office with his hands folded and his bald pate gleaming in the lamplight; Del who had asked us to take care of Mr。 Jingles; to make sure the bad 'un wouldn't hurt him anymore。 Except the bad 'un hurts us all in the end; doesn't he?

〃Paul?〃 Elaine asked。 Her voice was both kind and exhausted。 Even digging a grave with a trowel and laying a mouse to rest in it is a lot of excitement for old sweeties like us; I guess。 〃Are you all right?〃

My arm was around her fine;〃 I said。

〃Look;〃 she said。 〃It's going to be a beautiful sunset。 Shall 
