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第35部分(第1/8 頁)

最新遊戲競技小說: 模擬想輔佐女帝被拒成為亂臣賊子聯盟:我,職業賽場通天代!王者:六邊形戰士開創AG王朝逆天萌獸:絕世妖女傾天下網遊:道士最弱?菜就多練!末世:多子多福,從高冷班花開始別人過末世,我無敵戰爭系統在末世全球壽命抽獎:只有我能指定獎勵夢幻西遊:最強屌絲系統足球:年年賣球星,年年拿冠軍!修仙:我真沒想當舔狗!永劫:決賽替補開局爆殺絕代雙驕重生之李氏仙路穿越:逆襲籃球之星我的精靈訓練家模擬器姑娘使不得啊網遊:開局霸佔富豪榜!末世網遊:開局唯一超神級天賦影視編輯器

ar。 〃The only thing most of these people will remember about you is how you go out; so give them something good。〃

The loudest crack of thunder yet broke overhead at that moment; loud enough to make the storage room's tin roof vibrate。 Percy jumped as if someone had goosed him; and Del gave a small; contemptuous snort of laughter。 〃It get much louder dan dat; he gonna piddle in his pants again;〃 he said; and then squared his shoulders … not that he had much to square。 〃e on。 Let's get it over。〃

We walked to the platform。 Delacroix ran a nervous eye over the witnesses … about twenty…five of them this time … as we went; but Brutal; Dean; and I kept our own eyes trained on the chair。 All looked in order to me。 I raised one thumb and a questioning eyebrow to Percy; who gave a little one…sided grimace; as if to say What do you mean; is everything all right? Of course it is。

I hoped he was right。

Brutal and I reached automatically for Delacroix's elbows as he stepped up onto the platform。 It's only eight or so inches up from the floor; but you'd be surprised how many of them; even the toughest of tough babies; need help to make that last step up of their lives。

Del did okay; though。 He stood in front of the chair for a moment (resolutely not looking at Percy); then actually spoke to it; as if introducing himself: 〃C'est moi;〃 he said。 Percy reached for him; but Delacroix turned around on his own and sat down。 I knelt on what was now his left si
