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第11部分(第1/8 頁)

最新遊戲競技小說: 永劫:決賽替補開局爆殺絕代雙驕重生之李氏仙路穿越:逆襲籃球之星我的精靈訓練家模擬器姑娘使不得啊網遊:開局霸佔富豪榜!末世網遊:開局唯一超神級天賦影視編輯器我叫佐助,從火影首富制霸諸天無敵裝備修改器鬥羅世界的巫師網遊之暗黑風雲詭霧求生:我能返回現實世界足壇稱雄:我有系統稱霸歐陸足壇極限伏天我來自懲罰世界夢幻世界天堂地獄網遊之天地人間熱刺之魂CSGO教練我想學白給

That mouse。 That goddam mouse。 Delacroix loved it; but Percy Wetmore sure didn't。

Percy hated it from the first。


The mouse came back just about three days after Percy had chased it down the Green Mile that first time。 Dean Stanton and Bill Dodge were talking politics; which meant in those days; they were talking Roosevelt and Hoover … Herbert; not J。 Edgar。 They were eating Ritz crackers from a box Dean had purchased from old Toot…Toot an hour or so before。 Percy was standing in the office doorway; practicing quick draws with the baton he loved so much; as he listened。 He'd pull it out of that ridiculous handtooled holster he'd gotten somewhere; then twirl it (or try to; most times he would have dropped it if not for the rawhide loop he kept on his wrist); then re…holster it。 I was off that night; but got the full report from Dean the following evening。

The mouse came up the Green Mile just as it had before; hopping along; then stopping and seeming to check the empty cells。 After a bit of that it would hop on; undiscouraged; as if it had known all along it would be a long search; and it was up to that。

The President was awake this time; standing at his cell door。 That guy was a piece of work; managing to look natty even in his prison blues。 We knew just by the way he looked that he wasn't made for Old Sparky; and we were right … less than a week after Percy's second run at that mouse; The Pres's sentence was muted to life and he joine
